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Brownian random walk,
Direct estimator,
Equation of state,
Free particle,
Monte Carlo,
Path integral Monte Carlo,
Plasma phase transition,
Random Phase Approximation,
Thermodynamic estimator,
Variational density matrix,

Wigner-Seitz radius,
Electron Bohr radius,
$A(s\to s')$
Acceptance probability for MC step $s\to s'$,
$\beta $
$1/ k_B T$,
Spatial dimension, here 3,
Amplitude parameter in Gaussian density matrix,
Internal energy per atom,
Internal energy of state $i$,
Fermi energy,
Free energy,
Pair distribution function of species $i$ and $j$,
Thermal de Broglie wave length $\sqrt{4 \pi \lambda \beta}$,
Kinetic energy operator,
Kinetic energy function,
$D$ dimensional reciprocal lattice vector,
Boltzmann factor,
Number of time slices,
${\bf m}$
Position vector in Gaussian density matrix,
Number of particles per unit volume, for hydrogen atoms per unit volume,
Integer vector in $D$ dimensions,
Number of particles,
$n_{\rm A}$
Order in expansion formula 2.38 used to calculate the pair action,
$n_{\rm E}$
Order in corresponding expansion formula 2.38 for the energy,
Momentum distribution,
One particle reduced density matrix,
Operator in quantum mechanics,
$P(s\to s')$
Probability for MC step $s\to s'$,
Permutation of identical particles,
Electronic charge of one ion,
Probability of state $s$,
$\left\vert\Psi \right>$
Hilbert vector,
${\bf r}$
$D$ dimensional coordinate vector,
${\bf R}$
Set of coordinates of $N$ particles in $D$ dimensions,
density parameter $a/a_0$,
$\rho $
Density matrix,
Mass density $mN/{V^{\!\!\!\!\!\!\:^\diamond}}$,
Action in path integral,
State in configuration space,
Fermi temperature $E_F/k_B$,
$T(s\to s')$
Sampling distribution for MC step $s\to s'$,
Imaginary time,
$\tau $
Time step in path integrals,
Degeneracy parameter $T/T_F$,
Width parameter in Gaussian density matrix,
Potential energy operator,
Potential energy,
Volume of the simulation cell $L^D$,
Canonical partition function.

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Burkhard Militzer 2003-01-15