sun ringsthe planets online Moon Io
cross shaped valley on Mars swiss cheese bunny

Prof. Burkhard Militzer

Dept. of Astronomy and Earth and Planetary Science
W12, summer session C, 6/18-8/10/12, CCN 30905 or 16340

  Earn UC credit while you are away. All
you need is a fast Internet connection.
Instruction is exclusively online:
- Follow videorecorded lectures
- Online homework
- Online discussions
- One online midterm exam
There is an in-class final exam to be
taken on campus or with a proctoring
service available nationwide.
A tour of the mysteries and inner
workings of our solar system.
What are planets made of? Why do
some bizarre moons have oceans,
volcanoes, and ice floes? What makes
the Earth hospitable for life?
This course is light on maths but will
introduce basic physics & chemistry to
understand moons, rings, comets,
asteroids, atmospheres, and oceans.

Watch three examples of our recorded lectures: one on the Kepler mission, one on meteorites, and an introduction to our course. Information on our textbook and electronic homework
Our course syllabus Contact information and getting help during the class.

cassini   exoplanet

Satisfies the physical science requirement.

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