This work was in part supported by the NASA mission Juno and the National Science Foundation's Center for Physics at Atomic Pressures

Quadratic Monte Carlo

By Burkhard Militzer


Here we introduce a new general-purpose Quadratic Monte Carlo (QMC) technique that is more efficient in confining fitness landscapes than affine invariant method that relies on linear stretch moves. We compare how long it takes the ensembles of walkers in both methods to travel to the most relevant parameter region. Once there, we compare the autocorrelation time and error bars of the two methods. For a ring potential and the 2d Rosenbrock function, we find that our quadratic Monte Carlo technique is significantly more efficient. Furthermore we modified the walk moves by adding a scaling factor.

Here we provide the C++ source code and examples so that this method can be applied elsewhere.

Recommended citation: B. Militzer, Study of Jupiter's Interior with Quadratic Monte Carlo Simulations", Astrophysical Journal 953 (2023) 111.

QMC moves QMC artwork
Illustration of quadratic (top) and affine invariant (bottom) moves in a confining channel (dashed lines). For the quadratic move, two helper points rj and rk are employed to move walker i. Conversely, for the affine move, only one additional point rj is used and walker i may thus not travel as far in a single step in a curved channel. Autocorrelation function (panel a) and error bar from blocking analysis (panel b) of affine and quadratic MC calculations. In panel (c), we compare the Monte Carlo error bar and the time it take the ensemble to travel around the ring. Compared the affine method (blue), our QMC method (red and green points) requires a travel time approximately half as long and leads to error bars half as large.

(1) Download the latest version. Our code also has a DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8038144

File description Download link
08-10-23 We report five novel ensemble Monte Carlo moves in a new manuscript that was just accepted for publication in Comp. Phys. Comm.
Our updated source code was uploaded to Zenodo and is available here:
03-08-23 Code submitted along with accepted version of our manuscript. We added code to sample the 2d Rosenbrock function. qmc_03-08-23.tar.gz
07-03-22 Submitted along with initial manuscript submission to ApJ. qmc_07-03-22.tar.gz

(2) License

Our code us currently distributed under this licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

(3) Installation

To install our QMC code, download, ungzip and untar the latest version, change into the QMC directory and type make:

machine:~/QMC_source_code_03-08-23> make
g++ -O3 -Wall -pedantic -funroll-loops -DRING Standard.C Main.C Form.C Timer.C PrintErrorBar.C -lm -o ring
g++ -O3 -Wall -pedantic -funroll-loops -DHARMONIC Standard.C Main.C Form.C Timer.C PrintErrorBar.C -lm -o harm
g++ -O3 -Wall -pedantic -funroll-loops -DROSENBROCK Standard.C Main.C Form.C Timer.C PrintErrorBar.C -lm -o rosen

which will call Gnu's C++ compiler g++ with the argument -O3 for optimization. The arguments -Wall -pedantic -funroll-loops don't matter. It generates three exectuables ring, harm, and rosen to respectively sample our ring potential, a harmonic potential, and the 2d Rosenbrock density. For details please read our manuscript in ApJ.

If the compilation still fails, try editing the Makefile or switch to a different compiler. We do not provide executables for any operating system here but our source code has been compiled successfully with these compilers:

Linux g++ version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4)
Linux g++ version 4.8.5 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (GCC)
macOS clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
Intel icpc version 2021.6.0

To compile and run our code, you need a C++ compiler. On Macs, we recommend installing XCode with the command line tools. On Windows, please install Cygwin with g++ version 10.2.1 or later.

(3) The following files are included

AccRatio.h Form.h Standard.C
Analysis.h MC.h Standard.h
Array.h Main.C Timer.C
Autocorrelation.h Makefile Timer.h
Averages.h ParseCommandLineArguments.h dependencies.txt
AveragesSmall.h PrintErrorBar.C listdepend.scr
Blocker.h PrintErrorBar.h readme.txt
Form.C Random.h

but all important lines of code are in MC.h and Main.C. To understand the implementation of the QMC method, we recommend opening the file MC.h and reading the function PerformOneQuadraticMonteCarloSweep(...). The most relevant lines of code are shown here in simplied form:

Array1 <S> s = SetUpNStates(nWalkers); // Set up nWalkers different states of type S for(int iBlock=0; i<nBlocks; iBlock++) { // loop over blocks for(int iStep=0; i<nStepsPerBlock; iStep++) { // loop over steps for(int i=0; i<nWalkers; i++) { // try moving every walker once per step int j,k; SelectTwoOtherWalkersAtRandom(i,j,k); const double tj = -1.0; const double tk = +1.0; const double ti = SampleT(a); // sample t space const double tNew = SampleT(a); // sample t space one more time const double wi = LagrangeInterpolation(tNew,ti,tj,tk); const double wj = LagrangeInterpolation(tNew,tj,tk,ti); const double wk = LagrangeInterpolation(tNew,tk,ti,tj); S sNew = s[0]; // Create new state by coping over an existing one. for(int d=0; d<nDim; d++) { sNew[d] = wi*s[i][d] + wj*s[j][d]+ wk*s[k][d]; // set nDim parameters of new state } if (sNew.Valid()) { // check if state sNew is valid before calling Evaluate() sNew.Evaluate(); // Sets the energy sNew.y which defines the state's probability = exp(-y/temp) double dy = sNew.y - s[i].y; // difference in energy between new and old state double prob = pow(fabs(wi),nDim) * exp(-dy/temp); // Note |wi|^nDim and Boltzmann factors bool accept = (prob>Random()); // Random() returns a single random number between 0 and 1. if (accept) { for(int d=0; d<nDim; d++) { s[i][d] = sNew[d]; // copy over state sNew } s[i].y = sNew.y; // copy also its energy } } } // look over all walkers ComputeDifferentEnsembleAverages(s); } // end of loop over steps PrintEndOfBlockStatement(); } // end of loop over blocks PrintEndOfRunStatement();

(4) Execution: Run test of harmonic potential in tcsh

set index = 58 set T = 0.01 set n = 6 set a = 1.5 harm -affine n=$n a=$a T=${T} nBlocks=100000 > affine${index}_${T}_${n}_${a}.txt & harm -qmc n=$n a=$a T=${T} nBlocks=100000 > qmcLin${index}_${T}_${n}_${a}.txt & harm -qmc -Gaussian n=$n a=$a T=${T} nBlocks=100000 > qmcGau${index}_${T}_${n}_${a}.txt & # Compare the output with the following results. The MC average of energy, E, should be close to 0.5*n*T = 0.03 grep "Fraction= 0.9" *58_*.txt
affine58_0.01_6_1.5.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= 0.03000173 +- 0.00001369 qmcGau58_0.01_6_1.5.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= 0.03003602 +- 0.00001169 qmcLin58_0.01_6_1.5.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= 0.02999435 +- 0.00001152

(5) Execution: Perform calculations for the ring potential, again with tcsh

machine:~/QMC_source_code_03-08-23> tcsh set index = 57 set T = 0.01 set n = 6 set a = 1.5 set m = 6 set R = 1.0 ring -low -affine m=$m n=$n a=$a T=${T} R=${R} nBlocks=100000 > affine${index}_${T}_${n}_${m}_${a}_${R}.txt & ring -low -qmc m=$m n=$n a=$a T=${T} R=${R} nBlocks=100000 > qmcLin${index}_${T}_${n}_${m}_${a}_${R}.txt & ring -low -qmc -Gaussian m=$m n=$n a=$a T=${T} R=${R} nBlocks=100000 > qmcGau${index}_${T}_${n}_${m}_${a}_${R}.txt & # Compare the output with the following. The MC averages will not agree perfectly. machine:~/QMC_source_code_03-08-23> grep "Fraction= 0.9" *57_*.txt affine57_0.01_6_6_1.5_1.0.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= -0.00031481 +- 0.00007970 qmcGau57_0.01_6_6_1.5_1.0.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= -0.00030795 +- 0.00004486 qmcLin57_0.01_6_6_1.5_1.0.txt: Fraction= 0.9 n= 90000 E= -0.00026504 +- 0.00003554

(6) Execution: To evaluate the performance of our modified walk moves, we recommend sampling the Rosenbrock density

machine:~/CMS_MC_test_03-08-23a> tcsh set index = 199 set T = 1.0 foreach nWalkers (3 4 5 6 8 10 20) set para = "T=$T nStepsPerBlock=1000 nBlocks=100000 nWalkers=${nWalkers}" foreach nMovers (3 4 5 6 10) foreach a (1.2 1.5 2.0 3.0) rosen -walk $para nMovers=$nMovers a=$a > walk${index}_${nWalkers}_${nMovers}_${a}.txt & end end end

(7) Concluding remarks

At the moment, we do not have a Python version of our QMC code but it is high on our to-do list.

If you have feedback, comments, or a specific scientific problem you would like to solve please send email to militzer[at]berkeley[dot]edu.

Best wishes and happy QMC computation!

Burkhard Militzer
August, 20, 2023.