README.txt Importing the project: - First, download the Java 11 SDK from this site (download the one appropriate for your system) - Then download the community edition (NOT ultimate edition) of IntelliJ from JetBrains at (make sure to select either Windows, Mac, or Linux before downloading) - Open IntelliJ and select Import Project - Find the folder names sand_simulation and select it - Continue to press next and then finish - Then, go to File -> Project Structure -> Project and select the Java 11 SDK that was downloaded earlier (it may already be selected) Importing dependencies for project to run: - Download the jogamp-all-platforms.7z from this website (copy and paste link) ( and open it - In intelliJ, go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries - Then hit the add button -> Select Java, then navigate to the folder we just downloaded - Select jogamp-all-platforms/jar/jogl-all.jar - Repeat the above step for jogamp-all-platforms/jar/gluegen-rt.jar If you have never used IntelliJ before, using it for the first time may lead to many bugs and technical difficulties. If such issues do arise, I would be more than willing to assist any way that I can to make your life easier, and to ensure this project is ran and graded properly. Feel free to send me an email if needed at